

Sports Massage Therapy

Vital to a quick recovery from heavy training and a first call to training niggles, a sports massage can iron out many things that hours of stretching can’t get to.

Clinic hours:

Mon: 5:00pm - 8pm
Wed / Thurs: on request
Fri: 4-6pm

Clinic address:

Physio Remedies @ The Lansdowne Club
9 Fitzmaurice Place
London W1J 5JD


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For triathlon, swimming, running gait retraining, bike maintenance and Lacrosse.

Group class, 1 to 1 or training plan writing service available.

Please get in touch with your requirement.

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Gait analysis and re-training / Strength and Conditioning / Personal Training (1:1 outdoor)

Video gait analysis is so much more than just looking for pronation or heel striking. We’ll be looking at the movement of your entire body and work on solving niggles and injuries caused by biomechanics issues.

Sports specific strength and conditioning, with aims to prevent injuries; rehabilitate from injuries; building power, speed and endurance for your activity.