About Emily

As a sporty Physics graduate, Emily has a scientific, objective and methodological approach to whatever she does. As a teenager, she was the reigning Hong Kong Wakeboarding champion; while at school in the UK, she played Judo at national level; while captaining the Lacrosse team and dabbled in county level Fencing as well as Track and Field. Post university, she ran a company specialising in digital multi-media for 7 years while coaching Lacrosse at club and international level on the side. When London was preparing to host the Olympics, Emily took the opportunity to take a career change and used her same multi-angle approach to provide a comprehensive sports service. She has recently completed an MSc Biomechanics in Sports during lockdown.



MSc Biomechanics in Sports & Exercise

BTF Triathlon Coach L2

ASA Swim Instructor L2

ELA Lacrosse Umpire L2

ELA Lacrosse Coach L3

Personal Trainer L3

Sports Massage Therapist L4

Cytech Bike Mechanic L3

Certified Kinesio Taping RockDoc

Emergency First Aid

Up to date enhanced DBS check

Open Water Safety

Surf Lifesaving

swim out.jpg


Austria Extreme Triathlon Finisher
Vertical Mile Tower Race - winner
Bosphorus Strait Cross Continental Swim

Gay Games Sprint Triathlon - winner

Lake Geneva 70km swim - 4 women relay
The Halloween night trail marathon - winner

English Channel swim - 6 person relay

Uto Swimrun - finisher
Gibraltar Strait swim - solo crossing
Ironman Busselton finisher- 12:53

ITU Triathlon World Championship London
- age group, representing Hong Kong

European Lacrosse Championship
- representing Sweden
ITU Triathlon World Championship Auckland
- age group, representing Hong Kong

ITU Triathlon World Championship Beijing
- age group, representing Hong Kong



Lacrosse coaching:
2001 to present

Personal Training / Strength and conditioning:
2013 to present

Swim instructor:
2014 to present

Sports Massage Therapy:
2014 to present

Triathlon coaching:
2018 to present